Enchanting and alluring, the Seduction earrings bring a captivating sparkle to any ensemble. The ethereal lavender, purple, and blue hues create a breathtaking holographic effect that is sure to stun any admirer. These earrings exude a mesmerising glamour that is unmistakable.
Dimensions: Approximately 1 inch in total length
You will receive: One pair of silver plated earrings
Photographs may appear slightly different on different screens
Enchanting and alluring, the Seduction earrings bring a captivating sparkle to any ensemble. The ethereal lavender, purple, and blue hues create a breathtaking holographic effect that is sure to stun any admirer. These earrings exude a mesmerising glamour that is unmistakable.
Dimensions: Approximately 1 inch in total length
You will receive: One pair of silver plated earrings
Photographs may appear slightly different on different screens